Karthik KalyanaramanUnderstanding Crypto WalletsNote: I am transitioning my writing from medium to mirror.xyz. You can read this post on mirror here. Why spend time reading on medium…Dec 12, 2021Dec 12, 2021
Karthik KalyanaramaninGeek CultureTop down dynamic programming & MemoizationA quick explanation about solving dynamic programming problems using top-down recursive approach and optimizing it using memoizationJun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021
Karthik KalyanaramaninGeek CultureUnderstanding Scopes and Namespaces in PythonUnderstanding the nuances of Python namespaces and scopes is often helpful to make wise decisions when writing advanced Python.Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
Karthik KalyanaramaninGeek CultureOverlapping sub-problems — TabulationDynamic Programming(DP) — Tabulation or bottoms-up techniqueMay 31, 2021May 31, 2021
Karthik KalyanaramanStories from the origins of NetflixNetflix’s co-founder, Marc Randolph’s episode on the Tim Ferris show is full of interesting stories and nuggets from the origins of…May 15, 2021May 15, 2021
Karthik Kalyanaraman4 Mental models to spot disruptive technologies early on“Prediction” of technological change in the strict meaning of the term would require ability to know both what changes could be expected…Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020
Karthik KalyanaramanA brief history of VISA and MasterCardThe evolution of VISA & MasterCard from non-profit to an innovative and highly profitable public companiesAug 27, 2020Aug 27, 2020
Karthik KalyanaramanBuild an interactive 2FA screen using FlutterAn interactive 2FA screen is table stakes with the SignUp/SignIn flow these days especially if you’re building an app that requires high…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
Karthik KalyanaramaninBits and PiecesGraphQL — What, Why and HowHow to set up a basic GraphQL project using graphql-express, what are root types, and how to best structure the code in GraphQL projects.Jun 1, 20203Jun 1, 20203
Karthik KalyanaramaninBits and PiecesSo, what the heck is GraphQL?Your ultimate guide on why and how to use GraphQLSep 9, 20197Sep 9, 20197